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  • The show must intend to raise these issues of ethics, morality, and interpersonal relationships, since the name John Locke, and his alias Jeremy Bentham, both are taken from historic moral philosophers Evolving Thoughts discusses that other John Locke.

    Archive 2008-05-01 James F. McGrath 2008

  • The show must intend to raise these issues of ethics, morality, and interpersonal relationships, since the name John Locke, and his alias Jeremy Bentham, both are taken from historic moral philosophers Evolving Thoughts discusses that other John Locke.

    LOST Power James F. McGrath 2008

  • NBC has just picked up a new pilot from Lost co-creator J.J. Abrams starring the men better known as John Locke and Benjamin Linus, respectively, according to Vulture.

    NBC Lands Terry O'Quinn, Michael Emerson Project 2010

  • The biggest missing piece is John Locke, which is why I'm really excited for tomorrow night's episode.

    Space/Time Projection Theory by Brian Duffy 2007

  • While there is liberal/conserative doctrine going back to Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, that is no more used in modern times than rocks are used to attack wooly mammoths.

    Tuesday Rant: Right and Left... Carlo Artieri 2006

  • NOVAK: I was giving a speech, as I do every couple of years, to a conservative think tank called the John Locke foundation in Raleigh.

    CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2005 2005

  • WHERE WE LEFT OFF Sad Jack breaks into the Hoffs / Drawlar Funeral Home on the day of the wake for Jeremy Bentham (aka John Locke). Breaking News 2009

  • Seeing an encounter across the sonic fence barrier between "John Locke" and Charles Widmore was impressive.

    LOST The Package James F. McGrath 2010

  • Posted for your reading pleasure on this Fourth of July, 2009, a beautiful document, authored primarily by our third President, Thomas Jefferson, who drew heavily on the thinking of Enlightenment philosophers such as John Locke to persuasively lay out the case for the independence of the United States.

    The Declaration of Independence 2009

  • I am fascinated that 'John Locke' is a center piece in LOST.

    LOSTing My Religion James F. McGrath 2009


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